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Privacy Cookie

Informativa ai sensi dell’art.13 D. Lgs. 196/2003 e ai sensi dell’ art.13 GDPR 679/ 2016 Regolamento Europeo in materia di privacy, nonché ai sensi del Provvedimento in materia di cookie n. 229 dell’8 maggio 2014, si desidera informare i visitatori del sito circa l’utilizzo dei dati inseriti e dei cookie utilizzati dal sito stesso.


Code regarding the protection of personal data for the site and for processing activities in their seats in the conduct of its activities. GALLERIA ALFIERI guarantees respect of the legislation on protection of personal data (Legislative Decree 196/03) and informed that personal data provided by the parties concerned through the various collection channels, directly or indirectly managed by the Owner, or acquired from third parties in accordance with legal conditions, they will be treated lawfully and fairly, in accordance with the principles of Legislative Decree no. 196/2003.


PAOLO MUSSO titolare del sito:


informa che i dati che fornirai al titolare del presente sito al momento della compilazione del “form contatti” o invio mail disponibile sul sito stesso, saranno trattati nel rispetto delle disposizioni  in materia di protezione dei dati personali. Il form contatti messo a disposizione sul sito ha il solo scopo di consentire ai visitatori di contattare, qualora lo desiderino, il titolare del sito stesso, inviando una email al titolare. La presente informativa riguarda i dati personali inviati dall’utente visitatore al momento della compilazione del form contatti. Ti informiamo del fatto che i dati che conferirai volontariamente tramite il form verranno tramutati in una email che eventualmente potrà essere conservata all’interno del sistema di ricezione di email utilizzato dal titolare del sito. I tuoi dati non verranno memorizzati su questa piattaforma e non verranno ceduti a terzi.


I dati da te inviati  tramite il form contatti, verranno utilizzati al solo scopo di poterti eventualmente ricontattare, per evadere eventuali tue richieste contenute nel messaggio.


I dati personali trattati saranno esclusivamente i dati comuni strettamente necessari e pertinenti alla finalità di ricontattarti.
Il trattamento è svolto direttamente dal titolare e memorizzati nella rubrica di posta elettronica.


Ricorda che non sei obbligato a conferire al gestore del sito i dati personali tramite richiesti nel form contatti.
Il conferimento dei tuoi dati tramite il form contatti è facoltativo.
Tuttavia il rifiuto al conferimento per le finalità determinerà l’impossibilità di contattare il titolare del sito web tramite il form contatti messo a disposizione sul sito.


I dati personali raccolti mediante il form contatti saranno inviati via email al gestore del presente sito web, PAOLO MUSSO, che sarà titolare del trattamento.


Con riferimento all’art.7 del D.Lgs. 196/2003 e agli art. 15 “ diritto all’accesso” , art. 16 “diritto di rettifica”,
art. 17 “diritto alla cancellazione”, art. 18 “diritto alla limitazione del trattamento”, art. 20 “diritto alla
portabilità”, art.21 “diritto di opposizione al processo decisionale automatizzato del GDPR 679/2016,
l’interessato esercita i suoi diritti scrivendo al Titolare del trattamento al seguente indirizzo:  E-MAIL:


Il trattamento avrà una durata non superiore a quella necessaria alle finalità per le quali i dati sono stati raccolti.

I dati verranno trattati dal titolare del trattamento presso la propria sede legale o sede operativa

Politica dei Cookie

La presente cookie policy ha lo scopo specifico di illustrare i tipi, le modalità di utilizzo nonché di fornire indicazioni circa le azioni per rifiutare o eliminare i cookie presenti sul sito web, se lo si desidera.

Che cosa sono i cookie?

Un cookie è un piccolo file di lettere e numeri che può essere memorizzato sul tuo browser o sul disco fisso del tuo computer quando visiti il nostro sito web. I cookie contengono informazioni sulle tue visite al suddetto sito web.

Cookie di terze parti

Visitando un sito web si possono ricevere cookie sia dal sito visitato (prima parte), sia da siti gestiti da altre organizzazioni (terze parti). Esempi notevoli sono la presenza di “embed” video o “social plugin” da servizi di social network. Si tratta di parti della pagina visitata generate direttamente dai suddetti siti ed integrati nella pagina del sito ospitante. L’utilizzo più comune è finalizzato alla condivisione dei contenuti sui social network.

La presenza di questi plugin comporta la trasmissione di cookie da e verso tutti i siti gestiti da terze parti. La gestione delle informazioni raccolte da terze parti è  disciplinata dalle relative informative cui si prega di fare riferimento. Per garantire una maggiore trasparenza e comodità, si riportano qui di seguito  gli indirizzi web delle diverse informative e delle modalità per la gestione dei cookie.

Questo sito utilizza WP STATISTIC (contatore visite) conforme con il Regolamento europeo sulla protezione dei dati GDPR.

Facebook informativa:
Facebook (configurazione): accedere al proprio account. Sezione privacy.

Twitter informative:
Twitter (configurazione):

Google+ informativa:
Google+ (configurazione):

You Tube informativa:


Come modificare le impostazioni sui cookie

La maggior parte dei browser permette di cancellare i cookie dal disco fisso del computer, di bloccare l’accettazione dei cookie o di ricevere un avviso prima che un cookie venga memorizzato.

Come modificare le impostazioni per:


The information is provided by GALLERIA ALFIERI, Via del Cavallino 1 –  14100 Asti (AT) P.IVA: IT01610370056

pursuant to art. 13 of Legislative Decree 196/03

Code regarding the protection of personal data for the site and for processing activities in their seats in the conduct of its activities.

GALLERIA ALFIERI guarantees respect of the legislation on protection of personal data (Legislative Decree 196/03) and informed that personal data provided by the parties concerned through the various collection channels, directly or indirectly managed by the Owner, or acquired from third parties in accordance with legal conditions, they will be treated lawfully and fairly, in accordance with the principles of Legislative Decree no. 196/2003.

1. Surfing data
The computer systems and software procedures for the functioning of these sites automatically acquire, during normal operation, some personal data that are later sent implicitly through the Internet communication protocols. This is information which by its nature could, through processing and association with data held by third parties, permit the identification of users / visitors (eg. IP address, domain names of computers used by users / visitors connecting to the site, etc.).
These data are used only to obtain statistical information and to check the proper functioning of the sites. Normally they are deleted immediately after processing. Can be used to ascertain responsibility in case of damage of the sites or of criminal offenses perpetrated via the network.

2. user-assigned data
If users / visitors connecting to these sites or by any other form of written or verbal communication, send their personal data to access certain services or to make requests via e-mail, you will have the acquisition of such data by GALLERIA ALFIERI and / or third parties together with such GALLERIA ALFIERI could provide the service requested by the user / visitor; such information will be used exclusively to respond to the request, or for the provision of the service in accordance with this Policy. The personal data expressly conferred by users / visitors will be communicated to third parties only if the disclosure is necessary to comply with requests from users / visitors themselves.

Aims of treatment

The processing of personal and phone contact and telematic data is essential to meet the requirements of users, visitors, customers could include targeted offers according to personal interests communicated and communications related to specific requests from the client.
The data is therefore obligatory, not being able, in case of failure to obtain the consent or revoke it, lead to processing.
It is necessary to point out that any improper or insufficient communication of required data will result in the “total or partial impossibility of carrying out the requests of the mismatch and possible results of the treatment compared with applicable agreements, or obligations imposed by rules and regulations.
In particular, the processing of personal data will be finalized to the provision of services to users / visitors / customers.
The treatment, after specific consent, can also be processed for the detection of tastes, preferences and habits of customers, the degree of customer satisfaction, for the delivery of commercial information or advertising material, for direct campaigns marketing, for the provision of customer protection services, market research and other operations directly or indirectly related to marketing communications.
The supplying of these data, however, is not mandatory. The possible refusal of consent to treatment / revocation does not affect the establishment / continuation of the main report.


As with most web sites, they are kept for statistical purposes and to improve the functionality some information concerning navigation on the site. The collection of information is possible through the use of cookies. A cookie is a small file that is transferred to your computer’s hard disk when you connect to a website. The data relate to the geographic location of the service provider, the type of browser used, the IP address, pages visited, etc. The information thus collected allow you to see the frequency of visits to a site and the work done during the voyage. In this way, over time, you can improve your site content and ease of use. Even companies that transmit content to the site or sites which are accessible via links, may use cookies when the user selects the relevant link. In these cases the use of cookies is not under the direct control of GALLERIA ALFIERI. Most browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can reject or select just a few, according to the set from “User preferences. However, if you inhibit the loading of cookies, some components of the site may stop working and some pages may be incomplete.

The treatment is done through automated means (eg. using electronic procedures) and / or manually for the time strictly necessary to achieve the purposes for which the data were collected, however, in accordance with current regulations .

Rejecting and disable cookies?
You can set your browser to accept or refuse the setting of all or certain types of cookies or to request to be notified when a cookie is set. Each browser has specific configuration instructions. These instructions to disable the most popular browsers:

If you are using Internet Explorer
In Internet Explorer, click “Tools” then “Internet Options.” On the Privacy tab, move the slider up to block all cookies or to the bottom to allow all cookies, and then click OK.

If you are using the Firefox browser
Go to the “Tools” menu of your browser and select the “Options” menu Click on the “Privacy” tab, uncheck the “Accept cookies” and click OK.

If you are using the Safari browser
In Safari select “Edit” and select “Preferences” menu. Click on “Privacy”. Place the “Block cookies” setting always “and click OK.

If you use the Google Chrome browser
Click the Chrome menu on the browser toolbar. Select “Settings”. Click “Show advanced settings”. In the “Privacy” section, click the “Content Settings” button. In the “Cookies” section, select “Do not allow sites to store data” and control “blocking third-party cookies and the site data”, and then click OK.

If you use any other browser, look in the browser settings of the cookies are handled.

Statistics Google Analytics (Google Inc.)

The service third-party content in this section allows to the Owner to monitor and analyze traffic data and are used to keep track of User behavior. Google Analytics is a web analytics service provided by Google Inc. ( “Google”). Google uses Personal Information collected for the purpose of evaluating the use of this online space, create reports and share them with other services developed by Google.
Personal data collected: Cookie and Usage Data.
Processing location: USA – Privacy Policy Opt Out
Google has also developed an add-on for Google Analytics opt for the most common browsers: Microsoft Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari and Opera; This component facilitates the use deactivation of these cookies.
You can learn more by visiting this external link:
Visit the following link to learn how to reject or delete cookies by Google:
Visit the following links to review the Google privacy policy:

Interaction with Social Networks

The following tools are services operated by third parties, they may – in addition to what is specified and also the knowledge of the owner – to make the User activity tracking. For detailed information on this, please consult the privacy policy of the listed services. These services allow you to make interactions with social networks, or other external platforms directly from the pages of this online space. The interactions and the information gained from this online space are in any case subject to the User’s privacy settings to any social network. In case it is possible that, even if the Users do not use the service, the same collect traffic data for pages on which you installed a service interaction with social networks is installed.

The data may be disclosed to parties operating within the European Union, or countries that provide the same level of protection provided by Legislative Decree no. 196/2003 or, more generally, from the Directive EC / 95/46. Since GALLERIA ALFIERI may decide to operate at supranational level, the data processing work in the various countries will be adapted with the strictest regulations in order to ensure in all cases the maximum level of respect of the data protection. They may be transferred to third parties, even in return for payment, if the person concerned has issued express consent, for purposes directly or indirectly related to the activity of the owner. The treatment will be carried out over the term of the main report, in compliance with the regulatory provisions governing the preservation of records and documents, and, where specifically authorized, to allow the establishment of future relations and to ensure the data history, even in ‘interest of the client. organization of the Holder in the context, the data subject’s data may be processed by the various organizational functions.

Rights of interested parties

Those whose personal data refer have the right at any time to obtain confirmation of the existence or otherwise of such data and to know the content and origin, verify its accuracy or request its integration or updating, or correction (art. 7 of Legislative Decree 196/03).
Pursuant to this Article shall have the right to request cancellation, transformation into anonymous form or blocking of data processed unlawfully, and to oppose in any case, for legitimate reasons, their treatment.
You can exercise your rights under art. 7 of Legislative Decree no. 196/03, addressing to the controller by sending an email to the email address or writing to –  GALLERIA ALFIERI, Via del Cavallino 1 –  14100 Asti (AT) P.IVA: IT01610370056

Changes to the privacy policy
This privacy policy may change over time, even related to the entry into force of new laws, updating or provision of new services or new technological innovations for which the user / visitor is invited to periodically consult this page .